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The Social Disorder Podcast

Nov 30, 2023

Premiere Danielle Smith has, for the first time ever, invoked the Sovereignty in a United Canada Act in an effort to prevent the federal Minister of Climate Change from preventing the use of oil and gas in Alberta's power grid by 2035.


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Nov 29, 2023

A study in the 1970s showed that 5 year olds were, on average, better creative problem solvers than 20 adults by over 4700%!

NASA considers creative problem solving as the hallmark of genius. So what's preventing kids from retaining their genius by the time they're adults?


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Nov 28, 2023

Today, Matt Enns drops BIG knowledge bombs on why so many marriages end in divorce and how that can not only be stopped, but even reversed!


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Nov 27, 2023

People are making less babies, and for many different reasons. Is this on purpose? What can we do about it? Is the world really better off with less babies?


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Nov 24, 2023

Everyone just wants the facts. Tell me the facts. Facts don't care about your feelings, etc. But most people don't recognize how little the facts actually matter...

What matters WAY more than any fact is how you use them. And knowing the difference is everything!


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