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The Social Disorder Podcast

May 31, 2023

Canadian Freedom advocate, full time homesteader/prepper and mother - Meg Garland - joins the show to talk about her journey becoming awake during COVID that lead to the total rearranging of her life!

On top of all that, Meg is in the process of opening up a hybrid homeschool school in central Alberta that will focus on...

May 30, 2023

The idea of depopulating the earth isn't a new one. And it's one that hasn't gotten less popular with time.

What are some of the ways that we see an increase of depopulation happening around the world these days?


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May 29, 2023

What is ESG?

On this Monday with Matt we go into the what, the why and the who that is driving a social engineering effort through the avenue of the brands you used to love.


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May 26, 2023

With the Alberta Provincial election happening in only 3 days, the fate of the 3rd largest energy reserves on planet Earth could fall into the hands of a Socialist government who hates them!

Those who can vote, NEED to vote now!


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May 25, 2023

"Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" is the term being presented for what seems to be a massive increase in trangender identifying people.

But, is what's happening just a revealing of trans people that already existed? Or is it a synthetic engineering of society towards some sort of agenda?


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