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The Social Disorder Podcast

Jan 31, 2024

Lawyer, Philosopher and Podcaster - Leighton Grey - joins the show to speak to the recent Federal Court ruling of the invocation of the Emergencies Act as "Unjustified"!

What that means for Canada and what that means for Justin Trudeau!


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Jan 30, 2024

There is a psychological term that gets used in academic circles but has made its way into the mainstream called "Nudging".

What does it mean? How is it used, and by whom?

Lets find out.


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Jan 29, 2024

Societies are always changing and shifting with time and culture. But what if there were groups actively trying to guide that change towards their own system?

Matt Enns and I dig into some ways the current culture war is attempting to shift and dilute the way we live.


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Jan 26, 2024

Tucker Carlson came to Alberta, Canada and dropped thermo-nuclear bombs on the progressive sensibilities of both Calgary and Edmonton respectively!

This one is worth an entire episode to itself...


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Jan 25, 2024

Is earth doomed in the long run? Many people believe so. And some of the smartest people alive are trying to figure ways to make humanity an inter-planetary species before then.

But will that work and are there alternatives in the meantime?


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