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The Social Disorder Podcast

Sep 29, 2023

Lots has been going on lately, so lets just do a little bit of pattern enjoying through a bunch of it all at once!


Get Tickets for Dr. James Lindsay:

In Edmonton: https:

In Calgary:

Sep 28, 2023

It's a simple question that can house so much baggage. But if you listen to the likes of Carl Jung, "how you are" is the most imperative question that we all need to ask.


Get Tickets for Dr. James Lindsay:

In Edmonton: https:


Sep 27, 2023

What is Antifa and who supports it? There's a lot of games being played around this pseudo-organization that belie a serious and dangerous meta strategy that needs to be understood!


Get Tickets for Dr. James Lindsay:

In Edmonton: https:

Sep 26, 2023

Returning guest and Documentarian - Simon Esler - joins the show to speak to his experiences in Toronto during the Million March 4 Children protest. As well as his insights into the ideological drivers of it's counter-protest!


Find Simon's work here:

Get Tickets for Dr....

Sep 25, 2023

This Monday with Matt, we talk about the extremes of society and how both of them are predicting their own kinds of calamity and blaming the other side for theirs.

The truth and the path to take must be somewhere in the middle.


Get Tickets for Dr. James Lindsay:

In Edmonton: https: